Monday, September 29, 2008

Telling the Parents

Our original plan for telling our parents was to wait until my Mom came out in October and I would show up at the airport with Parker decked out in a "big brother" shirt. Then we would tell Ben's parents after we returned from Great Wolf Lodge or send a picture of Parker in the "shirt". Oh, how plans change...

We went to Babies R Us on Friday night to pick up a few presents and found a "big brother" shirt for Parker that I didn't have to order online. First task completed. Then, I came up with the brilliant plan that we would do a webcam call on Saturday night with my parents and have the kids wear their shirts. Well, okay, it wasn't overly brilliant, because as soon as I called to "schedule" the webcam call, my Mom knew something was up. She even speculated to my Dad that she thought we were pregnant and due in May. She's a smart cookie...

Then we told Madi at dinner about the baby. She was so excited, saying that she "prayed and prayed for a new baby..." Then she told us that we needed to name the baby Roxie - don't know where that came from!

So even with the somewhat advance notice, we still did the webcam visit with Parker and Madi sporting big sibling shirts, and they were surprised and excited about the news. Parker actually wouldn't stop babbling and waving to my parents on the screen - he was being so adorable.

Then we told Madi that we were going to tell Ben's parents the next day, but not until we picked her up. It was going to be her first big secret. We almost changed our minds and called them, but Madi insisted that she wanted to wait to tell them. The funny part was that while she was at their house, they talked about the big room switch (Madi and Parker are going to share a room) and asked Madi who was going to sleep in Parker's room. She said...Roxie! But when we got there, the first thing that Madi said to us was "can we tell the secret?" Obviously, she didn't realize that she had already spilled the cute. We still switched Parker into his "shirt" and she told them the big news. It was a tad anticlimactic, but still fun.

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